Our Rules
Virtual NATO operates under VATSIM Network, in-line with our Privacy Policy, is open to anyone who’s a VATSIM member, in good standing, with a valid VATSIM ID who agrees to abide by all Virtual NATO policies and guidelines that conducts Virtual NATO operations in a professional manner and performs a minimum of ONE (1) VATSIM online flights for the minimum of ONE HOUR each under the VirtualNATO.org banner every 30 days.
Although members need not be fluent in written or spoken English, they must have a working ability to read, speak and understand English. All online operations and communications using VATSIM, Virtual NATO Website and Virtual NATO Discord will be conducted in English.
Mother-tong can be used in the Discord National chatroom.vNATO does not provide any kind of basic training. Candidates must be able to fly their aircraft safely, with no use of Autopilot, during VFR flight.
In general, and prior to starting the training, all “new” pilots must demonstrate their skills during a checkride that will determine whether they can integrate the advanced specialized training (Fighter or Transport & Helicopters that should be ready soon).
Once the advanced specialized training is complete, student pilots are promoted Operational Pilot (OP) and join their country to perform an aircraft conversion course or to perform some maturity flying hours if they are already qualified.
To become Full mission qualified, pilots must follow a Mission Conversion course corresponding to their aircraft capabilities. Once Mission Ready qualified, they may pursue additional advanced training in other airframe types.
Refer to the Virtual NATO “Training Pipeline” document located in the Documentation section of the website for more detailed information regarding the Virtual NATO training program.
VSOA's Members
VSOA members are welcome to register, they will be integrated at the Operational Pilot (OP) level and will recover their MISSION READY title after a probationary period based on their assiduity and commitment. During the probationary period, the temporary rank of Captain will be granted, and they will recover rapidly their previous rank.
-Virtual NATO Staff